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Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte - Our Lady of Holy Death. Unofficially, the name given to one particular F-15E Strike Eagle at RAF Lakenheath in the UK; specifically 01-2004, maintained by the 494th Fighter Generation Squadron.

As the youngest F-15E in the US Air Force, 01-2004 is already a unique airframe. Notably though, the jet has had a large proportion of Hispanic maintainers assigned to it, and so 2004’s Crew Chief named it Santa Meurte, in honour of their heritage. They went still further - designing this creative and original work of art, which they have asked us to turn into a PVC patch for them.

We have been very pleased to assist the groundcrew of Santa Meurte in bringing their vision to life. Their patch features not only Señora de las Sombras - the Lady of Shadows - but also a panther’s head to recognise the 494th FGS/FS and a pair of Strike Eagles flanking it. Around Sante Meurte’s wrists, prayer beads supporting a single GBU-49 laser/GPS-guided bomb. Homage to the ground attack role that the F-15E is optimised for and it’s lethality within that.

We hope you enjoy this small piece of Hispanic culture. A centrepiece around which pride has endured in 01-2004, for the aircraft’s maintainers.

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